Community Organizing 101: People, Power & Change
6 hours
As we face creeping fascism, climate crisis, horrific wars, and attacks on our immigrant, LGBTQ+, and BIPOC communities, there has never been a more urgent time for community organizing. Join us to learn about how everyday people can build our power for positive change!
Community Organizing 101: People, Power & Change is a hands-on workshop on the art of mobilizing people to build their power, achieve shared goals and take greater control of their lives. In this training, we will cover the foundational approaches of building relationships; identifying problems and stakeholders; analyzing root causes including racial, class and other systemic injustice; and nurturing community leadership and solidarity. We will explore these methods through small and large group discussion, interactive exercises, and case studies. This training is intended for staff members and community leaders who have little to no experience in community engagement and organizing.
Enfrentamos al creciente fascismo, la crisis climática, horribles guerras y los ataques a nuestras minorías, comunidades inmigrantes y LGBTQ+. Nunca ha habido un momento más urgente para la organización comunitaria.
En Organización comunitaria 101: Gente, poder y cambio, patrocinado por el Instituto Mel King para la Construcción Comunitaria, es un taller práctico sobre el arte de movilizar a las personas para desarrollar su poder, alcanzar objetivos compartidos y tomar un mayor control de sus vidas. Este taller está destinado a miembros del personal y líderes comunitarios que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en participación y organización comunitaria.
Instructors / Instructoras: Sarah Horsley & Melinda Vega
Registration deadline
Registration fee
$100 (Discount available for 3 or more people coming from one organization; contact