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Engagement for Equity

Health Resources in Action
HRiA offers a toolkit and playbook for government entities, community organizations and residents to address health inequities and advance equitable outcomes.

COVID-19 Community Impact Survey Webinar

MA Department of Public Health, Health Resources in Action
In this video, representatives from Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Health Resources in Action, and the COVID-19 Community Impact Survey (CCIS) Regional TA Providers provide a brief background of the CCIS, what resources are available including technical assistance, and outline the process of engaging in technical assistance to transform data into action.

Impact of Climate Change on Health

National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation
Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity and it is disproportionately felt by the most vulnerable and disadvantaged according to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) special report. This infographic explains links between climate change and health.

Updated Toolkit: COVID-19 Booster Dose Messaging and Outreach Tools

Public Health Communications Collaborative
Millions of Americans are now eligible to get a COVID-19 booster dose. The following communications resources — including topline talking points, answers to tough questions, sample social media posts and graphics — can help you answer questions about COVID-19 vaccine booster doses and support your local vaccination outreach.

The Public Health Information Tool (PHIT) Walkthrough

Massachusetts Department of Public Health
A how-to for the use of the PHIT (below), and a guide on looking at publicly available data through a population health lens.

Population Health Information Tool (PHIT)

Massachusetts Department of Public Health
The Population Health Information Tool (PHIT) is a data portal for Massachusetts health data. As a service of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, PHIT aims to provide data for a healthier Massachusetts.

Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General Hospital and HMO Community Benefits Reports

MA Attorney General's Office (AGO)
The Attorney General's Office (AGO) provides guidance on how non-profit hospitals and health plans should develop and report on the benefits and programs they provide to the public. The Attorney General's Community Benefits Guidelines gives expectations on how hospitals and HMOs should determine the health care needs of their communities, plan programs with their community partners, and report those activities to the AGO. This tool allows users to browse and search reports and to download report data.

Healthy Food Access Portal

Our three organizations created this web information portal in 2013 to maximize the impact of these new opportunities and better support communities seeking to launch healthy food retail projects.