Organizing and Engagement Core Skills Toolkit
This toolkit was designed to support the professional growth of community organizers and community engagement staff. The toolkit was developed by and for organizers!
Front line organizers helped identify the 6 competency areas and piloted the tools, offering feedback on content and format.
We encourage you to set aside the time for professional development, so that you can be a more effective organizer. The toolkit includes:
1. Core Skills Toolkit, which describes six key skill and knowledge areas that are vital for strong organizers;
2. Tracking Tool, through which staff can evaluate their skill/knowledge levels in the six core competency areas and identify next steps to deepen their learning; and
3. Training and Resource Catalog, which staff can use to identify courses, conferences, online and other resources from around the US, to help achieve their professional development goals. This Catalog is housed on the Mel King Institute website.