Ten Key Asset Management Questions for Owners of Multifamily Affordable Housing

LEARNING AREA: Real Estate Development
Nov. 2024
Partner Events
Birch Island Real Estate Consulting



1 hour 30 minutes


Successful owners of multifamily affordable housing understand can appreciate how a well-defined asset management practices contribute to a real estate portfolio’s long-term viability, financial health while minimizing stakeholder risks.

In this 90-minute webcast, host and veteran asset manager Vinnie Viola shares his ten key questions that multifamily owners and developers should ask in their business planning for real estate assets. Vinnie draws on 30+ years of experience working for and consulting to tax credit syndicators, non-profit and for-profit multifamily developers and owners of LIHTC rental housing, among others. The training drills down on variables that contribute to a robust asset management platform. These include the ability to timely identify debt maturities and refinancing opportunities, track property financial performance against meaningful benchmarks, annual planning for capital expenditures and much more. The training will center on a small multifamily portfolio with various strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to illustrate training concepts.