Ending Zoning’s Racist Legacy by Taking Action

LEARNING AREA: Racial Equity
Dec. 2024
MKI Training


Jennifer Raitt



1 hour 30 minutes




This session will explore a two-part presentation by the trainer titled “Ending Zoning’s Racist Legacy: From Understanding to Taking Action”, which is the foundation of this training. Each part of the presentation will be followed by an open Q&A with participants. The training will end with participants working on action plans for their organizations to address the issues raised during the presentation.

Following this training, participants will have the ability to:

  • Understand the role of racial exclusion in the history of zoning and land-use regulations
  • Understand the history of federal programs, policies, and funding schemes that led to exclusionary outcomes
  • Identify exclusionary zoning practices and policies
  • Learn about examples of ways to address inequities through zoning reforms and changes to policies, practices, and procedures
  • Develop and action plan that applies and identifies new strategies and approaches to address these legacy issues that participants may be grappling with


About the instructor: Jennifer Raitt is Executive Director of the Northern Middlesex Council of Governments, a regional planning agency based in Lowell. She previously served as Director of Planning and Community Development for the Town of Arlington, Massachusetts. She has worked with local, regional, state, and national housing, community development, and planning organizations. She recently received a Housing Hero award from the Massachusetts Housing Partnership and a Fair Housing Champion Award from CHAPA. Her efforts have also been recognized by the American Planning Association,  Massachusetts Municipal Association, and local and regional organizations. 

Registration deadline

Registration fee

Regular $45, MACDC Member $30, Student/Americorps/Intern free